(function($) { $.fn.hoverscroll = function(params) { if (!params) { params = {}; } params = $.extend({}, $.fn.hoverscroll.params, params); this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if (params.debug) { $.log('[HoverScroll] Trying to create hoverscroll on element ' + this.tagName + '#' + this.id); } $this.addClass('list'); var listctnr = $this.parent(); var ctnr = listctnr.parent(); if (params.arrows) { if (!params.vertical) { } else { listctnr.append('
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limit : opacity)); $('div.arrow.right, div.arrow.bottom', ctnr).show().css('opacity', (1.95 - opacity > limit ? limit : 1.95 - opacity)); } function startMoving(direction, speed) { if (ctnr[0].direction != direction) { if (params.debug) { $.log('[HoverScroll] Starting to move. direction: ' + direction + ', speed: ' + speed); } stopMoving(); ctnr[0].direction = direction; ctnr[0].isChanging = true; move(); } if (ctnr[0].speed != speed) { if (params.debug) { $.log('[HoverScroll] Changed speed: ' + speed); } ctnr[0].speed = speed; } } function stopMoving() { if (ctnr[0].isChanging) { if (params.debug) { $.log('[HoverScroll] Stoped moving'); } ctnr[0].isChanging = false; ctnr[0].direction = 0; ctnr[0].speed = 1; clearTimeout(ctnr[0].timer); } } function move() { if (ctnr[0].isChanging == false) { return; } setArrowOpacity(); var scrollSide; if (!params.vertical) { scrollSide = 'scrollLeft'; } else { scrollSide = 'scrollTop'; } listctnr[0][scrollSide] += ctnr[0].direction * ctnr[0].speed; ctnr[0].timer = setTimeout(function() { move(); }, 50); } ctnr .mousemove(function(e) { checkMouse(e.pageX, e.pageY); }) .bind('mouseleave', function() { stopMoving(); }); if (params.arrows) { setArrowOpacity(); } else { $('.arrowleft, .arrowright, .arrowtop, .arrowbottom', ctnr).hide(); } }); return this; }; if (!$.fn.offset) { $.fn.offset = function() { this.left = this.top = 0; if (this[0] && this[0].offsetParent) { var obj = this[0]; do { this.left += obj.offsetLeft; this.top += obj.offsetTop; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } return this; } } $.fn.hoverscroll.params = { vertical: false, width: 300, height: 50, arrows: true, arrowsOpacity: 0.95, debug: false }; $.log = function(msg) { if (console && console.log) { console.log(msg); } }; })(jQuery); //end hoverscroll.js $(function() { var parLink; if($(".thumb-gallery").length > 0) { $(".thumb-gallery a").fancybox(); $(".thumb-gallery img").mouseover(function(e){ parLink = $(this).parent(); var offset = $(this).offset(); var newSrc = $(this).attr('src'); var newAlt = $(this).attr('title'); $(this).clone().appendTo('#thumb-preview'); $('#thumb-preview') .css("top", (offset.top-14) + "px") .css("left", (offset.left-15) + "px") .show(); //.fadeIn("fast"); $('#thumb-preview').click(function(e){ parLink.trigger('click'); }); $('#thumb-preview').mouseout(function(e){ $(this).empty(); $(this).hide(); }); }); } if($(".thumb-gallery2").length > 0) { $('
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